Thursday, July 05, 2012

- Aum -

Silver, Resin

Kiran wanted a silver Aum pendant with red and black resin.. and here it is.

Om or Aum is of paramount importance in Hinduism. This symbol is a sacred syllable representing Brahman, the impersonal Absolute of Hinduism — omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest existence. Brahman, in itself, is incomprehensible; so a symbol becomes mandatory to help us realize the Unknowable. Om, therefore, represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of God. It is called pranava, to mean that it pervades life and runs through our prana or breath.

Sterling Silver, Diamonds, Resin

Petro has a tattoo of a koi fish on her wedding finger and wanted a wide ring to cover it, with a koi and her diamonds... on the small scale of a ring it was tricky getting the koi to look like itself rather than a dolphin.. it is the 'whiskers' that identify it, really, from another fish.. 

Unfortunately, as I took my time with the ring... Petro was on diet and managed to lose weight quickly and now the ring is loose! When she thought that I could "just resize the ring", I had to laugh... as I would have to burn out the resin and be careful of the diamonds when applying heat to resize the ring... not a pleasant task! I was thinking maybe to insert an inner sleeve and stretch it on (cold join)? Oh woe.. I cant but help wishing she would just put that weight back on!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have been experimenting a little with my 'Ra' ring (Flow Range). The symbol for the Eye of Horus was the inspiration for the design. It was my least favourite of this sculptural range of rings. By placing gemstones in different places, the ring takes on a new character. I am liking Ra more now (:

Cowrie (my precious)

Silver, cowrie shell

A client brought me a cowrie shell from his travels. As a gift for his wife, he requested a silver frame for the shell. Cowries have traditionally been regarded by many cultures as good luck amulets. Some believed that they helped with matters of fertility (becuse of their suggestive shape), and this association with birth and health led many to use cowrie shells as lucky charms to attract wealth - abundance - money. I had one when I was little. My granny called it a 'money stone' and said I should keep in in my purse to attact money.

Because of their small and uniform shape they were actually used as 'coins' (money) by many peoples of the past. Whatever it is that attracts us to this little shell, they are simply precious.

Monday, June 27, 2011


above: silver, aquamarine / below: silver, cubics

My jewellery student (Margi, 52) has been experimenting with reticulation. This is a process wereby "the metal is made to draw itself into ridges or valleys" (Tim McCreight). So I thought I'd give it a try (above).. the melting is done with a small bench torch. Unpredictable but you can kinda control where the metal moves.. .. quite fun.


A lady brought me her Sapphire and Diamond pendant... she saw that I work in perpsex(acrylic) and asked me to cut out a back perspex backing and create a new bale. Came out ok.


Silver, Diamond, resin, perspex, rubber

I was recently commissioned to make set of jewellery for Joburg band, 'Rendezvous'.
It was, admittedly, a nightmare job! Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong.
It bruised my little ole heart.. some items are just not very casting-friendly. But it is done. And I have learnt some valuable lessons.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


This is a pendant that I designed and made for a client. His wife has a gold winged pendant and he wanted his own, more masculine wings. Silver and black resin, strung onto rubber. I really like the way it turned out and, thank God, so did they.


I was thinking to make a two tone ring and found some brass...
I like to use alternative materials with silver, but I rarely mix silver with copper or brass.
Usually this is because the brass/copper discolours (oxidises) . I decided, however, that I don't mind how the brass in this ring changes, as the combination is more about having 2 tones rather than maintaing the colour of the brass. I stamped the silver stamp on the outside bottom of the ring so as not to 'call brass silver'. The garnet could have been bigger with a bolder frame, but hey, next time.


I love it when a client leaves the design up to me. She wanted something bold but girly for her daughter's 21st birthday. I got a stone cut and made her this ring. Another friend saw it and wants the same, but with her triangular aquamarine.... which is going to look beautiful!
Thank you for visiting my space...

Have a perfect day