Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the power Within us


Having explored the subject of Talismans for my jewellery honours study, I learnt many things.
I started with a broad understanding of magical objects, trying to understand how the Talisman carries power and why.

I realized of course that the magic is in the wearer and not the object. I would like to say that I always believe this, but there are times when some objects do indeed have a life of their own. I have seen this when I sell jewellery... certain pieces are frequently picked up on a given day. Or it's the object talking, or human beings leave behind an energetic fingerprint that attracts other people.

Nevertheless, it is more often than not our interaction with these objects that gives them power. By acknowledging what the objects stand for, the association activates something in our minds that helps to bring about that which the object symbolizes. The magic ultimately lies within our own selves. This is evident when considering placebos. Its all in the mind.

"To the one whom the symbols speak of their nature and of their secret, each symbol is a living manuscript in itself. Symbolism is the best way of leaving ideas behind which will keep for ages after the teacher has passed. It is speaking without speaking; it is writing without writing. The symbol is said to be an ocean in a drop."

Hasrat Inayat Khan

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