Monday, March 16, 2009

Goldfish in a bowl

I have a really crappy memory. It fails me often when I need it most. For this reason I like the symbol of the goldfish. It is said to have a very short memory span. I like the idea that this fishy swims around its little bowl, (round, like the Earth), thinking maybe, is this all there is? And then, giving in to hope, or faith, it jumps up and out into the air... And finds that it can breathe! and there is a universe of possibilty outside the fishbowl!

The fishbowl is our own headspace.

I made a little container Talisman with a fish in water...

Philosophy of the Goldfish:

The Goldfish is like a Talisman. In other words, a personal symbol to remind one to think outside the box. If we can remember to remember that we each create our own perspective of the world, then we can start to consciously create what we want that world to be like. We can think outside of the 'perceived fishbowl'. Each to their own bubble, it feels safe in there.

In the words of Catherine Mansfield:

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself.

And in to bring to mind the spoon in the movie Matrix:

... there is no fishbowl.

(Except for the one you create for yourself).

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